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Seattle Base Bylaws
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Article I
Rules Of Order
Article II
Article III
Article IV
Regular Members
Founding Members
Charter Members
Associate Members
Honorary Members
Life Members
Article V
Article VI
Elected Officers
Duties Base Cdr
Duties Vice Cdr
Duties Base Secretary
Duties of the Base Treasurer
Article VII
Appointed Officers
Base Chaplain
Chief of the Boat
Base Webmaster
Base Storekeeper
Base Committees
Ways & Means
Memorials Ceremonies
Public Relations
Resolutions, Constitution,
Bylaws Committee

The Seattle Base of United States Submarine Veterans Inc adopts in whole as it's own, the Constitution of the national organization of United States Submarine Veterans Inc.  The accepted informal name for the Seattle Base is Seattle Subvets.  Within the USSVI national organization the Seattle Base will be referred to as the Seattle Base.  In the interest of clarity in press releases and other communications with outside entities and the media, the Base may be referred to as the Seattle Chapter of USSVI.  The official headgear for Seattle Base is the USN Standard Navy Blue Overseas Hat emblazoned on the right side in Gold lettering "United States Submarine Veterans" and on the left side in Gold lettering "Seattle Base".

Article I

The general procedure on meetings for the Seattle Base shall be in keeping with the normal parliamentary procedures set down by Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Article II

The Initial Base dues fee will be 15.00 and shall be renewable at $ 10.00 annual dues if membership continues uninterrupted.  Membership will become delinquent if unpaid on April.  A member is considered "in good standing" if both National and Local Dues have been paid for the current year.  (When delinquent an initiation fee will be required for reinstatement.)  This will be in addition to the National Dues.  Members in good standing of other USSVI Bases shall be eligible to add Seattle Base or transfer to Seattle as their primary base for $ 10.00.

Article III

The fiscal year for the Seattle Base shall commence on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December in each year.  Meetings will occur at a time and place as designated by the Base Executive Board.  Unless otherwise amended by vote of the Base Executive Board, regular meetings will occur on the third Wednesday of each month in the evening at a place and time designated by the Executive Board.  The first regular Base meeting following the start of the fiscal year shall be known as the Seattle Base Annual Business Meeting.  The Seattle Base shall conduct elections for Base Officers at the Base Annual Business Meeting. 

Article IV

Classes of Base Membership are:

Regular membership is restricted to persons who have been designated "Qualified in Submarines" in and by the US Navy.  Persons so qualified if no longer in active service must have been discharged under honorable conditions.  Proof of qualification and of honorable service must be provided to the Base Secretary through the Membership Committee.

Those members who participated in the original establishment of the Seattle Base in March, 1999 are identified as Cliff Nutter, Patrick Householder, Robert Robertson, Robert Andrews, Robert Harris and Jim Foote.

Those members who were accepted for regular membership up to and through December 31, 1999 will hereafter also be considered Charter (Plankowner) Members of the Seattle Base.

A person who does not meet the requirements for regular membership may join as an associate member if sponsored by a Regular Member in good standing.  Any person now or previously serving in a Foreign Navy allied to or neutral with the US, and is qualified in Submarines in that Navy is eligible for Associate Membership without sponsorship.  The Loyalty pledge requirement is suspended in their case only.  Associate members are not eligible to vote in National Elections and cannot stand for Base Elective Office.  They may vote in all other Base election activities and can serve in Base Appointed positions.

These are people who, based on their knowledge and or contributions to the submarine community, would be valuable members to the Seattle Base USSVI.  Honorary Members may be elected as members of Seattle Base. USSVI Honorary Members shall not be eligible to vote or hold any office in the organization, elected or appointed, and are exempt from dues assessment.  Honorary Members may participate in all other Seattle Base activities, including regular meetings and special events, and may input for the good of the order.  Should a Honorary Member achieve regular USSVI status, they then become regular members of Seattle USSVI and are subject to applicable National and Seattle Base USSVI Constitution and Bylaws.

A member may in addition become a Base life member by paying the Base Life Membership dues, which shall be the same amount and formula as that used by the National Organization, provided that the member is also, or simultaneously becomes, a National Life Member.  Members achieving Holland Club status effectively become National Life Members and are eligible for Base Life membership.

Article V

All Base elections shall be conducted by ballot and may be delivered by hand, email or postal service, allowing sufficient time for reflection and return of the completed ballots and conducted in the manner described in the National Constitution and Bylaws.

Article VI

Seattle Base Executive Board
The Executive Board shall have the control and general management of the affairs and business of the organization.  The Seattle Base Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, which include the Base Commander, Vice Commander, Secretary and Treasurer.  Appointed Officers, Committee Chairmen and Project Managers may attend Executive Board meetings to give input, but may not vote.   Two members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. Once a quorum has been established, it cannot be removed by a member absenting himself.

The Executive Board is responsible for long range planning for recruiting, membership activities, finances, ceremonies and other organizational goals. 

The Duties of the Seattle Base Commander shall include, but not be limited to:

A. Act as the Chief Executive Officer and the Chairman of Base Executive Board.
B. Cause to be called all regular and special meetings of the Seattle Base.
C. Preside over all regular and special meetings of the Seattle Base.
D. Enforce the Constitution and Bylaws.
E. Direct and supervise the operation of the Seattle Base.
F. Prepare and present the Base Executive Board Annual Report at the Annual Business Meeting.
G. Submit, in writing to the Base Executive Board for confirmation, all appointed officers and committee chairmanships.
H. Sign all certificates notes, drafts, or bills of exchange, warrants or other orders for the payment of moneys duly drawn by the Seattle Base Treasurer, except as provided elsewhere in the Constitution and Bylaws, subject to the approval of the Base Executive board.
I. Be responsible for the promulgation of all pertinent information to the membership of the Seattle Base.
J. Work up, keep current and pass on, immediately to his relief a “Turn Over” folder, including all official correspondence, records, and official materials assigned to his care.
K. Be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the “Nominations Committee” and the “Resolution Committee”.

The Duties of the Vice Commander shall include, but not be limited to:

A. Assist the Seattle Base Commander in the discharge of his duties.
B. Assume the duties of the Seattle Base Commander in the event of his absence, illness, or call to eternal patrol.
C. Execute the powers and authority of the Seattle Base Commander, when required, in the absence of the Seattle Base Commander.
D. Serve as a member of the Base Executive Board.
E. Act as Chairman for the Ways and Means Committee.
F. Act as Chairman of the Membership Committee and maintain an accurate and permanent roll of members, and provide membership cards to members in good standing.  The Chairman will provide a membership report on a quarterly basis to the Base Secretary.  The report shall be prepared and transmitted to the Base Secretary no later than fifteen days following the end of the calendar quarter.
G. Serve as a member of the Long Range Planning Committee
H. Be responsible for the content, publication, and distribution of the Seattle Base Publication. 
I. Prepare and present an annual report relative to the operation of his office at the Annual Business Meeting.
J. Work up, keep current and pass on, immediately to his relief a “Turn Over” folder, including all official correspondence, records, and official materials assigned to his care.

The Duties of the Base Secretary shall include, but not be limited to:

A. Officiate when required in Seattle Base matters in the absence of the Commander or Vice Commander. 
B. Serve as a member of the Base Executive Board.
C. Act as Chairman of the Public Relations Committee.
D. Serve as a member of the Membership Committee, updating membership changes as reported by the Vice Commander on a quarterly basis. Maintain permanent membership data for the current and past year.
E. Be the clerk of the Seattle Base and:
a. Be the custodian of all non-financial records and materials which shall remain Seattle Base property.
b. Keep permanent records as required by the Articles of Corporation, the National and Base Constitution, and these Bylaws.
c. Keep permanent records of the proceedings of all meetings of the Seattle Base.
d. Shall collect and retain all historical records for the base and it's membership. 
e. Prepare and distribute the Base Ballot.
f. Insure that only Base members in good standing vote on organizational business.
F. Serve as the official organization correspondent, forwarding to officers and committee chairman such correspondence as may be appropriate to the performance of their duties.
G. Work up, keep current and pass on, immediately to his relief a ‘Turn Over” folder, including all official correspondence, records, and official materials assigned to his care.

The Duties of the Base Treasurer shall include, but not be limited to:

A. Serve as a member of the Base Executive Board.
B. Serve as a member of the Base Membership Committee.
C. Serve as a member of the Base Ways and Means Committee.
D. Be the Chief Financial Officer of the Seattle Base.
E. Be the custodian of all financial records of the Seattle Base.
F. Receive and be responsible for the collection of all moneys due and payable to the organization. 
G. Have custody of all organization funds, and shall provide for their safekeeping, retention, disbursement, and investment in a manner acceptable to the Base Executive Board.
H. Shall complete the annual summary financial report and forward it the National Treasurer.
I. Make such reports and returns as are required by Federal, State, and Local governments the Articles of Incorporation, The Constitution, and these Bylaws, including the disbursement of appropriate taxes and fees.
J. Maintain accounts appropriate to the structure and activities of the organization and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
K. Upon election to the position as Base Treasurer, the Treasurer-Elect within 15 days and prior to becoming custodian of the organizations funds shall apply for a personal bond in the amount to be determined at the newly elected Base Executive Board meeting held subsequent to the Annual Business Meeting unless waived by the Base Executive Board. All costs involved in securing the required personal bond shall be borne by the organization. The outgoing Treasurer shall be responsible to ensure that the present bond has been executed and that the organization is fully protected prior to transferring any funds to the new Treasurer. An incumbent Treasurer shall be required to comply with this requirement.
L. Work up, keep current and pass on, immediately to his relief a “Turn Over” folder, including all official correspondence, records, and official material assigned to his care.

Article VII

The appointed officers are Chaplain, Chief of the Boat, Webmaster and Storekeeper.  Their term of office will begin immediately after confirmation and notification by the Base Executive Board.  These appointed officers serve at the pleasure of the Base Commander and may be removed/replaced at his discretion.

Base Chaplain

The Base Chaplain is appointed by the Base Commander.
The Base Chaplain shall be consulted on all Base matters pertaining and relative to the Spiritual Life of the Seattle Base.
He recommends to the Base Commander persons to be considered for this office upon his relief.

Chief of the Boat

1. The Chief of the Boat is appointed by the Base Commander.
2. Shall act as Master At Arms/Parliamentarian at all meetings. He shall be responsible to the Base Vice Commander for ensuring that only members in good standing and bona fide guests are admitted to all meetings. 
3. Shall symbolically toll the bell for Lost Boats at all meetings. 
4. Shall lead the meeting quorum in presenting the USSVI Creed during the Opening of all meetings.

Base Webmaster
1. The Base Webmaster is appointed by the Base Commander.  His duties are:
2. Maintain the Base Website
3. Serve as the email Point of Contact for National USSVI.
4. Serve as a member of the Base Public Relations Committee

Base Storekeeper

1. The Base Storekeeper is appointed by the Base Commander. 
2. Whenever possible the Base Storekeeper will obtain submarine memorabilia from the National Storekeeper, as the revenues produced help fund the National organization obligations.
3. The Base Storekeeper:
a. will solicit sales from the Base Membership and through the Base Website for the purposes of adding revenue to the Base to meet Base financial obligations. 
b. will make a written bi-annual report (due June 1 and December 1) of sales, expenses, total profits and unsold inventory every six months to the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.
c. will keep a record of sales, expenses and profits by date of acquisition and date of sale. 
d. Will maintain a product sales brochure book for member's review at the meetings.


1. Standing Committees are permanent committees.
2. Annual Committees are disbanded at the end of the fiscal year and reconstituted at the Annual Business Meeting.
3. Special Committees are appointed as necessary for the Base Commander for a specific purpose and are disestablished when that purpose has been fulfilled or deemed no longer necessary by the Executive Board.

Ways and Means Committee

The Ways and Means Committee shall be a Standing Committee.
The Ways and Means Committee shall be chaired by the Vice Commander and shall have as regular members the Treasurer, and other members deemed necessary by the National Commander.
The duties of the Ways and Means Committee shall include, but not be limited to:

Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Base Executive Board.
Monitor performance of operating units against the approved budget throughout the year.
Prepare recommendations to the Base Executive Board on items of expenditure not within the approved budget.

Membership Committee

A. The Membership Committee is a Standing committee and is chaired by Vice Commander and consists of other members as deemed necessary by the Base Commander.
B. All members of Seattle Base are members at large of the Membership Committee.
C. The duties of the Membership committee shall include but are not limited to:
a. Receive applications from new members
b. Determine eligibility for membership class as defined by the USSVI Constitution.
c. Maintain a permanent record of each application and membership
d. Report the individual status on a monthly basis or as directed to the National membership chairman or his designee by means designated by the National membership chairman.
e. Provide each new member with a new member packet of information and welcome aboard letter.
f. Maintenance and operation of the Base Phone and Email Tree.

Memorials and Ceremonies Committee

The Memorials and Ceremonies Committee shall be a Standing Committee.

The Memorials and Ceremonies Committee will be chaired by a member appointed by the Base Commander and consist of other members as deemed necessary by the Base Commander.

The duties of the Memorials and Ceremonies Committee shall include, but not be limited to:

1. Solicit worthwhile Memorial projects from the Base Membership in support of the purpose of the organization.
2. Recommend that the Base Executive Board officially sanction those projects which will support the purpose of the organization.
3. Assign a Project Manager for each project.
4. Assist the assigned Project Manager, as necessary, in the planning, fund raising, scheduling, and conduct of the Memorial Ceremony.

Newsletter Committee

Newsletter Committee shall be a Standing Committee.

The Newsletter Committee will be chaired by a member appointed by the Base Commander and consist of other members as deemed necessary by the Base Commander.

The duties of the Newsletter Committee shall include, but not be limited to:

1. Collect news of general membership interest.
2. Collect information relating to base membership and projects and communicate them to the editor of American Submariner on a bi-monthly basis for the "Keeping up with the Bases" column.
3. Print and distribute a Base Newsletter on a bi-monthly basis.

Public Relations and Publicity Committee

1. The Public Relations and Publicity Committee shall be a Standing Committee.
2. The Public Relations and Publicity Committee shall be chaired by the Base Secretary and consist of Newspaper editor, Webmaster, and other members as deemed necessary by the Base Commander.
3. The duties of the Public Relations and Publicity Committee shall include, but not be limited to:

a. Publicity promoting a positive image of the organization.
b. Assisting the officers of the Seattle Base in developing promotional materials to advertise the organization and organizational events.
c. Producing and distributing the Seattle Base Newsletter on a bi-monthly basis.
d. Maintain the Internet Base Website by the designated Base Webmaster. 

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee shall be an Annual Committee, to expire at the end of the calendar year.

The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by a member appointed by the Base Commander no later than October 1 and shall consist of the Immediate Past Commander and at least two other members in good standing, except that currently serving Base officers may not serve on this committee.   If the Immediate Past Base Commander is unavailable or is a currently serving Base Officer, then he shall not be appointed to the committee.  The conduct and process of the election shall be carried out in the spirit and the letter of the National USSVI Bylaws entitled "ANNUAL ELECTIONS."

The duties of the Nominations Committee will include:

1. Issue a “Call for Nominations” of eligible candidates for Base Office by publishing the “Call for Nominations” by email, by verbal announcement at the next Base meeting, and in the next issue of the Base newspaper.
2. Forward names of all eligible nominees to the Base Secretary for ballot preparation and distribution.
3. In those cases where no nominees have been presented, or all candidates have withdrawn, accept names in nomination, of eligible members, from the floor of the Annual Business Meeting.

Resolutions, Constitution and Bylaws Committee

Resolutions, Constitution and Bylaws Committee is a standing committee

Constitution and Bylaws Committee is chaired by a member appointed by the Base Commander, and will include at least two other members, including the immediate past Base Commander.

The committee is available to receive proposed amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws.  When the proposed amendments are received they are to be reviewed to insure they neither duplicate or are in contravention to the National USSVI Constitution.  Upon completion of the review, to publish the proposed amendments in the Base Newsletter no later than one month prior to the Annual Business Meeting and submit same to the Base Secretary for inclusion in the Ballot for the next Base Election. 

Resolutions may be presented at any regular meeting of the Seattle Base and if seconded, voted upon at the following meeting of the Seattle Base.  All non attending members will be afforded an opportunity to vote via email or written ballot.